Telepathy Introduction

Telepathy, a mixture of two Greek words - telecommunications, meaning far and patheia, which means "feeling" is to acquire information about the other through her thoughts and feelings with paranormal means. The term was coined in 1882 by one of the founders of the Society of Psychical Research - Frederic WH Meyers - such as replacing the term in the past - even though the transfer. Telepathy is a form of additional (ESP) and is closely related to precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis and other similar paranormal phenomena.

This psychological phenomenon involves communication between the mind and includes the transfer of thoughts, ideas, feelings and mental images, among others. It may simply be called the direct communication between minds. Always seen as a special ability that psychic and mystic possessed, many tribal communities, including indigenous Australia, telepathy considered a normal human ability. Today, scientific studies ever conducted in this psychological phenomenon.

However, studies of telepathy is not new. Telepathy seems to be the first paranormal and psychic phenomenon has been scientifically studied, when the American Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1885.

Explain Telepathy

Everyone has heard of telepathy. Some people have even experienced. All persons have the ability to communicate through thought processes and it is not so rare as was thought to be. As some are born with different natural talents - the ability to swim or play a sport - the same way, some are born with a natural ability to communicate telepathically. In fact, people have everything innate talent, but we do not have the chance to develop.

There are two ways to communicate telepathically. Either the sender and receiver of thoughts can not see each other, or are able to see each other. In the first case, the distance nothing. If the sender and receiver are in any town or halfway around the world, a feeling, an idea, or just an image transferred. In the second case, could both see and communicate ideas clearly logical.

Communicate telepathically three main ways:
• The transmission of feelings - is the most common form of telepathic communication, even in animals.
• The transmission of emotions and images - This form of telepathic communication is the most common cancer in men.
• The transfer of words - This is not an easy means of communication, and requires training.

Telepathic theories

Many theories have been advanced on how telepathy works, and anything that does not explain properly. Democritus, a philosopher of ancient Greece had theories of wave and particle. The 19th century chemist and physicist
- William Crookes - telepathy thought was dependent on brain waves, like radio. The 20th century Soviet science
- Vassily LL is on the electromagnetic theory. Lawrence Leshan
- U.S. psychologist - believes every man has his own personal reality. According to his theory, mystics and clairvoyants had their own separate space, apart from other people that allowed them access to information others could not. Although it may be difficult to test telepathy systematic, and it will be difficult to test other forms of psychic phenomena, evidence sufficient to ensure that the paranormal exists.